19  Functions

Writing functions is a core part of programming.

When should you write a function?

Whenever you find yourself repeating pieces of code.

Why is it important?

Writing functions helps reduce the total amount of code, which increases efficiency, reduces the chance of error, and can make code more readable.

Functions in R are “first-class objects”.

This means they can be stored inside other objects (e.g. a list), they can be passed as arguments to other functions (as we see in Chapter 20) and can be returned as output from functions.

Functions in R are for the most part like mathematical functions: they have one or more inputs and one output. The inputs are known as the function arguments. If you want to return multiple outputs, you can return a list containing any number of R objects.

Functions are refered to as “closures” in R. A closure is made of a function and its environment. Closures are distinct from primitive functions (i.e. internally implemented / built-in functions, which are written in C).

19.1 Simple functions

Let’s start with a very simple function: single argument with no default value:

Define the function:

square <- function(x) {

Try our new function:

[1] 16

Notice above that x^2 is automatically returned by the function. It is the same as explicitly returning it with return():

square <- function(x) {

[1] 16

also same:

square <- function(x) {
  out <- x^2

[1] 16

still same:

square <- function(x) {
  out <- x^2

[1] 25

A function returns either:

  • the value of the last expression within the function definition such as out or x^2 above.
  • an object passed to return().

Multiple arguments, with and without defaults:

raise <- function(x, power = 2) {

x <- sample(10, size = 1)
[1] 9
[1] 81
raise(x, power = 3)
[1] 729
raise(x, 3)
[1] 729

return() can be used to exit a function early

In the following example, return() is used to exit the function early if no negative values are found. This is shown only as a trivial example; it is not particularly useful in this case, but can be useful in more complex functions.

preproc <- function(x) {
  if (all(x >= 0)) {
  } else {
    cat("Negative values found, returning absolute \n")

The following stops early and no message is printed:

 [1]  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

The following does not stop early and message is printed:

Negative values found, returning absolute 
 [1] 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

19.2 Argument matching

R will match unambiguous abbreviations of arguments:

fn <- function(alpha = 2, beta = 3, gamma = 4) {
  alpha * beta + gamma
fn(g = 2)
[1] 8

19.3 Arguments with prescribed set of allowed values

You can match specific values for an argument using match.arg():

myfn <- function(type = c("alpha", "beta", "gamma")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  cat("You have selected type '", type, "'\n", sep = "")

You have selected type 'alpha'
You have selected type 'beta'
You have selected type 'gamma'
Error in match.arg(type): 'arg' should be one of "alpha", "beta", "gamma"

Above you see that partial matching using match.arg() was able to identify a valid option, and when there was no match, an informative error was printed.

Partial matching is also automatically done on the argument names themselves, but it’s important to avoid depending on that.

adsr <- function(attack = 100,
                 decay = 250,
                 sustain = 40,
                 release = 1000) {
  cat("Attack time:", attack, "ms\n",
      "Decay time:", decay, "ms\n",
      "Sustain level:", sustain, "\n",
      "Release time:", release, "ms\n")

adsr(50, s = 100, r = 500)
Attack time: 50 ms
 Decay time: 250 ms
 Sustain level: 100 
 Release time: 500 ms

19.4 Passing extra arguments to another function with the ... argument

Many functions include a ... argument at the end. Any arguments not otherwise matched are collected there. A common use for this is to pass them to another function:

cplot <- function(x, y,
                  cex = 1.5,
                  pch = 16,
                  col = "#18A3AC",
                  bty = "n", ...) {

  plot(x, y, 
       cex = cex, 
       pch = pch, 
       col = col, 
       bty = bty, ...)


... is also used for variable number of inputs, often as the first argument of a function. For example, look at the documentation of c(), cat(), cbind(), paste().


Any arguments after the ..., must be named fully, i.e. will not be partially matched.

19.5 Return multiple objects

R function can only return a single object. This is not much of a problem because you can simply put any collection of objects into a list and return it:

lfn <- function(x, fn = square) {
  xfn <- fn(x)
  list(x = x,
       xfn = xfn,
       fn = fn)

[1] 3

[1] 9

function(x) {
  out <- x^2
<bytecode: 0x119fb5698>

19.6 Warnings and errors

You can use warning("some warning message") at any point inside a function to produce a warning message during execution. The message gets printed to the R console, but function execution is not stopped.

On the other hand, you can use stop("some error message") to print an error message to console and stop function execution.

The following function (el10) calculates: \[ e^{log_{10}(x)} \]

el10 <- function(x) {

which is not defined for negative x. In this case, we could let R give a warning when it tries to compute log10(x):

val1 <- el10(-3)

We could instead produce our own warning message:

el10 <- function(x) {
  if (x < 0) warning("x must be positive")
val2 <- el10(-3)
[1] NaN

As you see, the output (NaN) still gets returned.

Alternatively, we can use stop() to end function execution:

el10 <- function(x) {
  if (x < 0) stop("x must be positive")
val3 <- el10(-3)
Error in el10(-3): x must be positive

Note how, in this case, function evaluation is stopped and no value is returned.

19.7 Scoping

Functions exist in their own environment, i.e. contain their own variable definitions.

x <- 3
y <- 4
fn <- function(x, y) {
  x <- 10*x
  y <- 20*y
  cat("Inside the function, x = ", x, " and y = ", y, "\n")

fn(x, y)
Inside the function, x =  30  and y =  80 
cat("Outside the function, x = ", x, " and y = ", y, "\n")
Outside the function, x =  3  and y =  4 

However, if a variable is referenced within a function but no local definition exists, the interpreter will look for the variable at the parent environment. It is best to ensure all objects needed within a function are specified as arguments and passed appropriately when the function is called.

In the following example, x is only defined outside the function definition, but referenced within it.

x <- 21

itfn <- function(y, lr = 1) {
  x + lr * y

[1] 24

19.7.1 function vs. for loop

Let’s z-score the built-in mtcars dataset once with a for loop and once with a custom function. This links back to the example seen earlier in the for loop section. In practice, this would be performed with the scale() command.

Within the for loop, we are assigning columns directly to the object initialized before the loop. In the following example, we use print(environment()) to print the environment outside and inside the loop function to show that it is the same. This is purely for demonstration:

# initialize new object 'mtcars_z'
mtcars_z <- mtcars
cat("environment outside for loop is: ")
environment outside for loop is: 
<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
# z-score one column at a time in a for loop
for (i in seq_len(ncol(mtcars))) {
  mtcars_z[, i] <- (mtcars[, i] - mean(mtcars[, i])) / sd(mtcars[, i])
  cat("environment inside for loop is: ")
environment inside for loop is: <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
environment inside for loop is: <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
environment inside for loop is: <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
environment inside for loop is: <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
environment inside for loop is: <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
environment inside for loop is: <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
environment inside for loop is: <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
environment inside for loop is: <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
environment inside for loop is: <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
environment inside for loop is: <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
environment inside for loop is: <environment: R_GlobalEnv>

In contrast, all operations remain local within a function and the output must be returned:

ztransform <- function(x) {
  cat("environment inside function body is: ")
  z <- as.data.frame(sapply(mtcars, function(i) (i - mean(i))/sd(i)))
  rownames(z) <- rownames(x)
mtcars_z2 <- ztransform(mtcars)
environment inside function body is: <environment: 0x11a0d55b8>
cat("environment outside function body is: ")
environment outside function body is: 
<environment: R_GlobalEnv>

Notice how the environment outside and inside the loop function is the same, it is the Global environment, but the environment within the function is different. That is why any objects created or changed within a function must be returned if we want to make them available.

19.8 The pipe operator


In its basic form, a pipe allows writing: f(x) as x |> f() and, similarly, g(f(x)) as x |> f() |> g().

Figure 19.1: Illustration of pipes in R

A pipe operator was first introduced to R by the magrittr package with the %>% symbol. Note that a number of other packages that endorse the use of pipes export the pipe operator as well.

Starting with R version 4.1 (May 2021), a native pipe operator is included with the |> symbol.

A pipe allows writing f(x) as x |> f() (native pipe) or x %>% f (magrittr).

Note that the native pipe requires parentheses, but magrittr works with or without them.

A pipe is often used to:

  • avoid multiple temporary assignments in a multistep procedure, or
  • as an alternative to nesting functions.

Some packages and developers promote its use, others discourage it. You should try and see if/when it suits your needs.

The following:

x <- f1(x)
x <- f2(x)
x <- f3(x)

is equivalent to:

x <- f3(f2(f1(x)))

is equivalent to:

x <- x |> f1() |> f2() |> f3()
iris[, -5] |>
  split(iris$Species) |>
  lapply(function(i) sapply(i, mean))
Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Length  Petal.Width 
       5.006        3.428        1.462        0.246 

Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Length  Petal.Width 
       5.936        2.770        4.260        1.326 

Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Length  Petal.Width 
       6.588        2.974        5.552        2.026 

Pipes are used extensively in the tidyverse packages and many other third-party packages.
You can learn more about the magrittr pipe operator in the vignette.


In RStudio the keyboard shortcut for the pipe operator is Shift-Command-M (MacOS) or Ctrl-Shift-M (Windows).

19.8.1 Differences between native pipe and magrittr

Native pipe requires parenthesis (()) after function name, magrittr works with or without them. For example,

x <- rnorm(300)
x |> mean()
[1] -0.05062057

but this would fail:

x |> mean

while either works in magrittr:

[1] -0.05062057
x %>% mean
[1] -0.05062057

The native pipe passes its LHS to the first unnamed argument on the RHS. Alternatively, it can be passed to any named argument using an underscore (“_“) symbol.

On the other hand, magrittr allows using a period . to pipe to any position on the RHS. The native pipe workaround is using an anonymous function (can use the new shorter syntax \(x) instead of function(x)).

Example: Find the position of “r” in the latin alphabet

Here, we want to pass the LHS to the second argument of grep().

Using native pipe, we name the first argument pattern and the LHS is passed to the first unnamed argument, i.e. the second (which is x, the character vector where matches are looked for):

Native pipe or magrittr: pass to the first unnamed argument:

letters |> grep(pattern = "r")
[1] 18
letters %>% grep(pattern = "r")
[1] 18

Native pipe: pass to any named argument using an underscore (_) placeholder, but argument must be named:

letters |> grep("r", x = _)
[1] 18

magrittr: pass to any argument using a period (.) placeholder. Argument can be named or not (i.e. positional):

letters %>% grep("r", x = .)
[1] 18
letters %>% grep("r", .)
[1] 18

For demonstration purposes, here’s how you can achieve the same using the native pipe and an anonymous function.

# positional:
letters |> {\(x) grep("r", x)}()
[1] 18
# named:
letters |> {\(x) grep("r", x=x)}()
[1] 18

19.9 Further reading

See roxygen2 for writing inline comments that can generate complete documentation for your functions.