55  Resources

55.1 R Project

The R Manuals include a number of resources, including:

55.2 Markdown

55.3 R markdown

55.4 Quarto

55.5 Writing R Documentation

55.6 R for data science

55.7 Graphics

55.7.1 ggplot2

55.7.2 Plotly

55.8 Advanced R

55.9 Git and GitHub

55.10 Machine Learning

55.11 Getting help

Stack Overflow is a massively popular Q&A site for programmers, part of the wider Stack Exchange network. Many R-related web searches will bring up posts in Stack Overflow. You can view all questions tagged with “r”.

When posting a question in any setting, it is strongly recommended to provide a minimal reproducible example (MRE). Stack Overflow provides guidelines on how to create an MRE.

55.12 Datasets

A number of online repositories offer free access to datasets suitable for data science / statistics / machine learning. Some of them are: